What is ChemSpider SyntheticPages?
Founded in 2001 by Stephen Caddick, Peter Scott, Kevin Booker-Milburn and Max Hammond as , an online database for reproducible chemical transformations, it later became the basis for ChemSpider SyntheticPages (2010-). The aim of ChemSpider SyntheticPages was to provide a way for scientists to share the insight they gained from optimising a procedure in a richer form than is commonly provided in the experimental section of a publication so that others seeking to perform that same reaction/transformation might be able to better reproduce the experiment. Alongside this the ability to comment/ask questions about published CSSP procedures allowed the article to become richer post-publication.
For the time being ChemSpider SyntheticPages is closed to new submissions, but all previously published articles remain accessible.
We thank all those who have contributed to ChemSpider SyntheticPages over the years either by submitting articles or commenting on them and especially the Editors who have helped review all of the submitted records: Stephen Caddick, Peter Scott, Kevin Booker-Milburn, Max Hammond and Nicolas Marshall.
Reasons to use ChemSpider SyntheticPages
- ChemSpider SyntheticPages provides information that may not generally be found elsewhere, such as:
- Frequently encountered problems
- Trouble-shooting tips
- Repeatability
- Scalability
- No limitation on the amount of detail that you can provide
- ChemSpider SyntheticPages can provide you with the most up-to-date method, the online interface allows submissions to be processed or amended quickly.
- ChemSpider SyntheticPages is free to access and has no registration/login requirements.
ChemSpider SyntheticPages is not:
- A substitute for peer-review journals.
- A substitute for other popular chemistry databases, which allow you to search the literature.
Authors do not transfer copyright and can further use their content without limitation. However authors do grant ChemSpider SyntheticPages a perpetual license to display their content on this website.
- The ChemSpider SyntheticPages website and the material posted on it are provided in good faith.
- The information on the ChemSpider SyntheticPages website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, expressed or otherwise.
- Users entering material on the ChemSpider SyntheticPages website are responsible for the contents and accuracy of that material. ChemSpider SyntheticPages does not warrant their completeness or accuracy, and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
- The procedures are provided for the use of trained, professional scientists and it is incumbent on the individual user to ensure that the procedure is carried out in a safe manner, and in an appropriate laboratory environment. It is the responsibility of users of this site to carry out procedures with appropriate hazard and risk assessment.
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