
In order to submit procedures to ChemSpider Synthetic Pages, you will need to have a ChemSpider account linked to an RSC ID, and you will need to have the Submitter role.


Your Profile and requesting new roles

When you are logged in to your ChemSpider account, you will be able to see some extra menu options, one of which is My ChemSpider, which allows you to view and change your Profile.

Your profile page allows you to change your address and other contact details (to change your email address please contact us directly). You can also choose to opt in (or out) of ChemSpider and RSC mailing lists (note: these changes may take up to a week to propagate through our system), or change your password.

On your Profile page you are also given the option to request certain user roles. The most important role in ChemSpider Synthetic Pages is the “submitter” role, that gives you the ability to create and submit pages.

If you wish to request a role please check the boxes next to the roles that you would like and then click, the Update button at the bottom of the profile page. A member of the ChemSpider team will review your request and respond as soon as possible (usually less than 24 h).