About ChemSpider SyntheticPages

ChemSpider SyntheticPages is a free database of practical procedures for research workers in synthetic chemistry, written by chemists for chemists.

For general information about the format and content of a ChemSpider SyntheticPage, view our tutorial video below:

Reasons to use ChemSpider SyntheticPages

  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages provides information that may not generally be found elsewhere, such as:
    • Frequently encountered problems
    • Trouble-shooting tips
    • Repeatability
    • Scalability
    • No limitation on the amount of detail that you can provide
    • And much more…
  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages is the only interactive chemistry database. Information is constantly updated and validated by comments from the user community (Peer Review in the Public Domain™).
  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages can provide you with the most up-to-date method, the online interface allows submissions to be processed or amended quickly.
  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages is free to access and has no registration/login requirements.

Benefits of contributing to ChemSpider SyntheticPages

If you think that ChemSpider SyntheticPages is a good idea then please contribute; the more high quality contributions that are received the more valuable the database is to the community. You can submit any procedure or method that you have carried out in the lab. It could be a literature procedure or a new reaction, a general method or a one-off curiosity. What is important is that it relates your personal experience of the reaction.

  • You will help create a subscription-free database where synthetic chemists can immediately access reliable procedures from their desktop.
  • Your valuable practical experience will not be lost or forgotten; it will be communicated effectively.
  • Your SyntheticPage will be accessed frequently in academic and industrial laboratories and attract on-line comments and potential collaborations.
  • You can cite your ChemSpider SyntheticPage(s) on your CV (resume), thesis or publications.
  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages is a convenient place to keep standard procedures for a research group.

No special software required in order to submit

Apart from a standard web browser you will need a structure drawing package (e.g. ChemDraw, ChemSketch, Symyx Draw) which has the facility to create images in either TIF, PNG or GIF formats.

Comment on ChemSpider SyntheticPages

You can add a comment to your own or someone else’s SyntheticPage after it is posted. You might add further technical information, corrections, literature citations or links to other pages. Professional and courteous comments will usually be approved within 48 hours.

ChemSpider SyntheticPages is not:

  • a substitute for peer-review journals.
  • a substitute for other popular chemistry databases, which allow you to search the literature.


Authors do not transfer copyright and can further use their content without limitation. However authors do grant ChemSpider SyntheticPages a perpetual license to display their content on this website.


  • The ChemSpider SyntheticPages website and the material posted on it are provided in good faith.
  • The information on the ChemSpider SyntheticPages website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, expressed or otherwise.
  • Users entering material on the ChemSpider SyntheticPages website are responsible for the contents and accuracy of that material. ChemSpider SyntheticPages does not warrant their completeness or accuracy, and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
  • The procedures are provided for the use of trained, professional scientists and it is incumbent on the individual user to ensure that the procedure is carried out in a safe manner, and in an appropriate laboratory environment. It is the responsibility of users of this site to carry out procedures with appropriate hazard and risk assessment.
  • Any decisions based on information contained in this web site are the sole responsibility of the user. ChemSpider SyntheticPages accepts no responsibility for and direct, special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of whatsoever kind, resulting from whatever cause through the use of any information obtained from ChemSpider SyntheticPages.
  • No responsibility is assumed by ChemSpider SyntheticPages for any injury and or damage to property arising from any material obtained from ChemSpider SyntheticPages.
  • ChemSpider SyntheticPages accepts no responsibility for the content of any site to which a hyperlink from this site exists. Such links are provided on an “as is” basis with no warranty, express or implied for the information supplied within them.
Version 2022.0.27